March, 2018

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QR Codes

Hi again,

Just a quick post to provide you with a couple of links regarding QR codes.  These are codes that can be scanned with a smart phone or tablet and will link to an audio clip, photo, website, video, etc.  The students in my class that are using QR codes are saving voice notes and links to their Google Drives.  We are just starting to play with these.  If you look in the student draft presentation that I’ve included in my Artifacts post, you will see the kids have included some QR codes that link to documents they have written.  Below are some links to QR how to’s that I found useful:




An artifact (video, lesson plan, student work) that demonstrates the learning happening in your project.

Below I have attached a student sample of the inquiry planning package:

Here is a link to the draft presentation using slide show software and some drawing options:

draft presentation

This presentation is just getting started. Students plan to use iMovie to make a film to add in to the slide show as well as some of the music creating apps.

Some students are going to incorporate the drum making process into their larger inquiry projects as the drums represent our local First Nation, T’Sou-ke Nation, and the art work weaves in local animals and legends: