April, 2018

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What is our road-map for our SET-BC Project Outcome Report? Where are we at in developing our final report? If there are digital samples, artifacts, displays, consider creating links on your blog.

After speaking with Monica during out check-in phone call, my plan is to use a slide show for my Project Outcome Report.  The table of contents will basically follow the SET-BC list of requirements for the final report.  The blog posts we have been keeping along the way will be a useful resource for writing the report. I plan to include some links to student projects and any other artifacts that I may find useful.  If time permits, I would like to include some video of students speaking about the experience.  I’m not sure if a slide show with videos will be too large to upload.  I can make it using the slide app on Google Drive.  That way, I can share the link to the slide show rather than uploading.  Is this a possibility?

Feeling excited and a little panicked.

It is really hard to believe we are already in mid-April.  I am really happy with how much information the kids have gathered as part of their inquiry projects.  We are ready to take that information and create our presentations.  Some students have already begun, and others are just waiting for the go ahead.  I took some time last week, to have the kids pull out their inquiry questions and check on how they are doing answering those questions.  Our goal from here on out is to decide how to present the research and then to make those presentations.  One group has planned to build a watershed model, others are using technology to create Explain Everything presentations, slide shows, and iMovies.  It is going to be a busy, but exciting time!  Hope everyone else’s projects are going well!
